May 19, 2021Liked by Luke Shors

Are we thus prisoners to these metaphors? If so, how do we raise the bar and free ourselves from this pronged sentence?

Luke, very cool. I had never even thought of this contrast.

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Thanks Tom. I assume you recognize the liberal use of metaphors in your comment! In the past, there was an effort in philosophy to expunge metaphor from language. My read of contemporary philosophy is that is no longer an objective (because scholars do think it is possible). I also don't think we can fully extricate ourselves from metaphors. But we can be more cognizant of their use...

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Very interesting concept. Could the "war on poverty or drugs" be so ineffective partially because of these conceptual metaphors and how the concepts limit our thinking as to solutions?

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Yes. I think it's critical to investigate the various 'wars' we 'fight'. I plan on writing on this subject in the coming weeks. Potentially on consequence of the 'war on drugs' is mass incarceration and the militarization of the police. This I think is one of the major arguments of the book "The New Jim Crow" by Michelle Alexander.

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